Sharmila Murthy M.S.,C.Ht.,NLP Trainer, (805)275.2289
Sharmila has been working with people just like you for over 30 years empowering them to find their inner strength so they may manifest themselves into the eternal being they were forever meant to be. She is a Reiki Master, a Huna teacher and practitioner, a Certified NLP trainer, a Life Path Guide assisting her clients to achieve breakthroughs to better health, financial prosperity and mental clarity by resolving internal conflicts and gaining clarity in their communications to enhance their relationships. Write to or call 805.275.2289 to find out if you are eligible for a 20 min. free consultation.

Karim Ali, D.E.M.,C.Ht., (310)689.6126
Karim is a Doctor of Eastern Medicine, a Yoga teacher, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner. He has a practice in southern california and has offices conveniently located in Culver City serving the W. Los Angeles area and in Tarzana, CA serving the San Fernando Valley. He is also available for long distance healing and consultations. Write to: or Call:(310)689-6126 for your 20 min. of FREE consultation.

August 2008
September 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 || 12:53 AM
Voltaire said "the pen is mightier than the sword"

Growing up as a child to educated and intellectual parents, who were themselves children during the second world war, in a self-proclaimed third world country, I knew that man always craved for what was elusive. I used to hear my mom quote Tagore often - loosely translated this is how it goes "what i seek i seek in error, what i receive i want not". these lines stayed with me and i started to see the truth in the verse.

Man craves peace the most, joy and love. Yet we more often than not are witness to life sans peace, joy being temporal and love without a meaning. The other day I heard a colleague mention "true love" so I asked if anyone was aware of false love. We were a group of neo-spiritual people "on the path" "in earnest quest", hence this question was responded by querying glances and unsure smiles. Let me ask you, how do you know when you love, experience it for yourself or someone else.

As a mother I know what love means, it is an unconditional feeling I experience eternally for my children which is heightened when i sense them either through sight, smell, sound or touch. It is a feeling that is easy to experience and so hard to explain.

The world seems to be ruled by politicians. I know what happens in the macrocosm is a projection of what is going on in the microcosm. Some NLP practitioners will echo "perception is projection". But whether a political, religious or spiritual leader, what is the power that bestows the rights and responsibilities onto them so they may decide the future of those who look up to them.

What is it that turns people away from the leaders and makes them appoint another one? Each leader has his or her own agenda, whether it is to fatten their pocket, widen their reign or build more orphanages and hospitals.

When leaders decide do they keep their followers in mind, the citizens, the common people, the students, the mothers, the innocent civilians or the elders. When a concept is institutionalized, the essence is diluted.

Yes, the leaders do give us a purpose. If each individual counts, then is each individual consulted prior to making a decision. When a guru decides to build a temple, he merely speaks of his desire and then imposes it upon his/her followers to raise fund so his dream of a temple is fulfilled. When the city decides to widen a street, they break down fences, front yards and even walls of houses to widen the street. The house owners have no say at all, even if it is their living room or bed room which is being bull dozed. Is the decision maker really concerned about the home owner?

I know that most people, at least those who are affected immediately by such decisions experience emotions such as fear, anger, resentment and guilt and also feel helpless. I know every human does the best with what they have and know and with time we all evolve and expand. But the negative emotions linger and become part of our cellular nature, our DNA structure. Hatred and love are inherited. Dysfunction becomes an addiction.

People experience a high and get a fix from negative news. Drugs should not be branded as legal or illegal anymore. The law makers make money of of it all the time anyway. Calling what is natural as illegal and the synthesized stuff as legal merely means that they will profit by imposing taxes or in clandestine manners. Taxes need to be accounted for, but covert transactions are for personal gains and never need to be reported.

I have a business decision that I shall use my pen and my vocabulary to stir up recesses of the human psyche where each of us will find the power within themselves to BE. Until we meet again aloha & namaste! Sept. 24th 2008.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to tell a tale of inspiration, for brothers and sisters so they may know that love exists and it is real. For men so they find heaven in loving their women, finding strength in knowing that women are strong.

Our Vision
We hold a Vision to transform the planet by being part of the rising consciousness and leaving a legacy of non-toxic world. The soul is the sole-agent in creating changes, all it needs is someone to be the beacon while it pursues its journey.
